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Advertise with Wasatch Life Television

Wasatch Life Television 20-2 is here to help you. We value our advertising partners. We see sponsors differently in that we treat them as community partners- not just a paycheck or necessary interruption to the daily programming.

We have worked with a number of television and radio stations over the years and have seen how many advertising sales departments only see the advertiser as a commission check. Many offer minimum service and care little about your needs as an advertiser. Calls are not quickly returned. Slick and smooth sales departments sell packages that do not meet the advertiser's needs, or surprise you with additional unexpected costs.

Bottom Line-- We treat our Advertising Partners with Respect.Hearth

We will partner with you to strengthen your message, offer the most competitive rates around and support your goals and efforts. We are currently offering partnering sponsors fantastic introductory discount rates that will allow you to discover the difference.

With high quality programming we will attract a loyal following of viewers. We are also working with local cable and satellite providers statewide, creating a larger pool of potential viewers and enhancing our service to the communities we serve where over the air television may not be available.

We are currently seeking partnering sponsors and advertisers to help support unique community programming that will be exclusively available on Wasatch Life Television.

Let us surprise you with service beyond your expectations. Call or e-mail us today for rates and sponsorship options. We can provide some of the most competive rates in the Salt Lake Market to stretch your marketing dollars and reach your target audiences.


Get Involved

It is our goal for Wasatch Life Television 20-2 to become Utah's #1 destination for Family Lifestyle and Recreation programming. We intend to provide high quality content that Entertains, Educates, Inspires and Motivates our viewers to take action and live life to the fullest. You are a valued partner and your success is important to us. Since there are so many variables associated with pricing, we would like to visit with you to determine your specific needs, define creative options and custom design a package to best fit your desired outcome.

Each of the package options below include links and sponsor mentions on the Wasatch Life Television 20-2 website. Advertising spots on our station are generally 30 seconds, although we can provide options for longer formats. Prices vary depending on day part(s), volume (number of ads), and duration (how long you want the campaign or sponsorship to be). Additional costs may apply for production and studio time. Bonus spots will be awarded upon receipt of pre-payment. Number of Bonus spots and discounts are based on availability.


Advertising Options may include-

Short Term Advertising ~ 2 to 12 weeks. Great choice for promoting special events or sales.

Long Term Advertising / Sponsorships ~ 13, 26, or 52 weeks This type of advertising is generally chosen for Long Term Branding. Strengthen your brand by sharing your message consistently and often. Viewers trust and respect companies that they see regularly on their favorite television stations. Value added bonuses apply for longer durations, prepayment, and higher ad volumes.
